
EFPT nuovo logo e sito

di - 25/04/2014

Oggi inizia il primo appuntamento stagionale 2014 del EFPT (European Freestyle Pro Tour), con la mitica tappa di Podersdorf. E quale migliore momento per lanciare il nuovo logo e il nuovo sito, se no durante questa importante vetrina internazionale.



Dear followers of the EFPT,
After working with the EFPT logo and the webpage for over ten years now, the team decided that it was time to lead the tour into a new century where the world is connected more and better than ever. There was no better occasion for a relaunch than one of the biggest EFPT events ever organized, the Surf Worldcup in Podersdorf 2014.
Since the constructive dialogue with the riders had always been one of the main goals of the European Freestyle Pro Tour, voices became louder and louder that the relation to freestyle windsurfing was missing in the logo of the organization. With that in mind and together with our graphic designer we started developing a logo that should combine freestyle windsurfing, professionalism and purity by still maintaining the value of the organization’s recognition. The new logo therefor features a silhouette of the current European Freestyle Pro Tour Champion Steven Van Broeckhoven going through a switch kono and sticks with the color code of the previous one. (find logo attached).
For the homepage itself our biggest demand was for it to be clear, neat and with new possibilities to connect the EFPT with the most important part of it: the riders. The new design should be a combination of professional news updates together with a close link to our athletes and their daily lives, training routines and travel experiences. With the social media channels becoming the most popular tools for the sailors to promote themselves and their supporting brands, the EFPT webpage now connects with the most common social media types: Facebook, twitter and instagram. When you click through the page you will see that the riders profiles are linked with their instagram accounts and the live feeds at events will not only come from the official site, but will also be from the riders points of view. This concept should lead to a closer connection of the tour to it’s riders and to the public and vice versa.
To see the new webpage please head to:
You might experience that the concept will grow over this season and that there will be more interesting and exciting features coming up. For now we hope you enjoy the new look and that we could raise your curiosity for the European Freestyle Pro Tour and our first event this season: the Surf Worldcup in Podersdorf, Austria. We’ll report from site as usual and wish you some epic days – no matter if you are following us online or if you are spending the days at the beach together with the freestylers and the EFPT crew!

Best regards,
the EFPT team.

Ciao a tutti, sono Fabio Calò (ITA-720), ho iniziato a fare windsurf all’età di 13 anni e da quel momento è diventata la mia più grande passione, poi la mia vita e il mio lavoro. Campione Italiano Wave nel 2013 e 2015. Vivo a Torbole sul Garda e respiro l’aria del windsurf 365 giorni all’anno.