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Gaastra Windsurf Contest Team 2013 – Overview

di - 03/03/2013

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Gaastra International are proud to announce the team ready to take on the best of the best! With a number of new events on the PWA Tour, now more than ever the combination of man and machine are bred to take no prisoners.

On the racing side of things we have a new edition in the likes of Ben van der Steen who will join Ross Williams and Cedric Bordes to race and develop the Vapor range of sails. New to the team is Sebastian Kordel and he will be learning the program ready to input his impressions. These guys are all good friends and will team up with designer Peter Munzlinger to set a new standard on the racecourse! Valerie Arrighetti and Sarah-Quita Offringa will show the women’s side of the fleet how to get it done! Keep an eye out for the Vapors up top of the podium.

The formula class sees Ross Williams the 2012 World Title holder back on a mission to defend what he worked so hard for. The Vapor racing board has been on top of the podium since its inception and will be hard to beat. As the formula sails continue to evolve, there is nothing to stop further domination in the formula world.

The Wave Warriors are a strong force to be reckoned with. Thomas Traversa who just advanced into the Red Bull Storm Chase 2nd stage looks to back up his victory in Denmark and continue pushing the sport to new levels. His friend and team mate Alex Mussolini who ranked 3rd place on the PWA Tour has his sights set on the number 1 slot for this year! Jamie Hancock and Phil Horrocks continue to raise the bar in the UK while showing the PWA guys they have talent that can be deadly. When it comes to the Canary Islands, local boy Dario Ojeda is capable of taking down anyone. Watch these guys as the PWA WAVE TOUR looks to be a good one for 2013.

Our dominant freestyle team continues with Tonky Frans, Kiri Thode, Antony Ruenes, Davy Scheffers and of course the women’s Freestyle World Champion Sarah Quita Offringa. Utilizing the revolutionary PURE freestyle sails the team continues its quest to be the best!

As the 2013 season approaches quickly, watch out for this friendly and powerful team.



Photo Credits: John Carter (RedBull/PWA), Magaly Boulogne, Jose Pina, Eric Ballende, Tim Hendrics


Ciao a tutti, sono Fabio Calò (ITA-720), ho iniziato a fare windsurf all’età di 13 anni e da quel momento è diventata la mia più grande passione, poi la mia vita e il mio lavoro. Campione Italiano Wave nel 2013 e 2015. Vivo a Torbole sul Garda e respiro l’aria del windsurf 365 giorni all’anno.