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Stand Up World Racing Series 2015 anticipazioni sulle tappe

di - 22/12/2014

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stand up world series 2015 schedule annunced

La WATERMAN LEAGUE annuncia le prime tappe confermate del 2015. Il team è già al lavoro da diverso tempo, sappiamo di certo che l’EUROPEAN CUP 2015 avrà grandi sorprese.

2015 sees a dramatic line up of events as we see iconic destinations mixed with major global markets making for the most complete and comprehensive schedule yet for the World Championship Racing Series. The athletes will see a dramatic mix of conditions across the globe to determine who is the best all around Racer in the world, whether it be flat water or open ocean, sprint racing or long distance, the format and the locations will provide the ultimate challenge for the World’s best and determine the undisputed World Champion.

With exciting details surrounding each of the events in the 2015 season to emerge early January, we are setting up for what will be a spectacular year for World Championship Racing at it all elevates to a whole new level. Keep it right here at www.watermanleague.com

  1. UAE: Location tab early January: 4th – 7th March
  2. Brazil Pro Grand Slam, Sao Paolo: 11th – 12th April
  3. Location tba early January 2014: Date window: May / June
  4. Fehmarn World Cup, Germany: 7th – 9th August
  5. Kanagawa Pro, Japan: 4th – 6th September
  6. Huntington Beach Pro Grand Slam: 2nd – 4th October
  7. World Series Finals at Turtle Bay: 16th – 18th October